Wednesday, July 03th, 2024


As of september 2021, such taxpayer roll is formed by 80.4 million taxpayers
according to SAT in its latest tax report


During 2020, the federal government collect 2 trillion 702.1 billion pesos,
which represented a nominal increase of 2.5% with respect to the previous year's


As of september 2021, 6 billion 213 million invoices were issued
which means that, in average, 263 invoices were processed each second.

Grupo Farias is the first firm that is ISO 9001-2000 certified in fiscal defense legal services.

The certification of Grupo Farias, Tax Attorneys, is specifically focused on counseling services and fiscal defense.

This certification allows us to regulate the professionals that belong to our enterprise, and the process of defense itself.

Professional’s certification.

The ISO 9001-2000 certification of our firm demands certain qualities for the professionals that participate in the fiscal defense proceedings, which will allow for taxpayers and individuals that make use of the services of our enterprise, to count with a group of highly experienced and highly responsible professionals, with complete support from our organization.

Due to this circumstance, and to guarantee the taxpayer that each professional fulfills a profile appropriate to carry out the defense with all due responsibility, we demand our associates the following academic characteristics:

Law Degree
Major in Tax or Fiscal Matters
Master’s Degree in Tax or Fiscal Matters
Doctorate Degree in Tax or Fiscal Matters
Post Doctorate Degree

Most of the professionals that participate in this firm count with at least five years experience in Public Administration, be it in the Treasury Department or the Tax Administration Department, in District Court or the Fiscal and Administrative Federal Court.

Likewise, all of them are compelled to teach at a Master’s level, to be speakers at the most important forums in our country, write articles in the most prestigious national and foreign tax magazines, and to take post doctorate courses permanently.

Finally, they must be members of associations of attorneys, accountants and of fiscal studies academies..

Considering the aforementioned characteristics, you can verify that our professionals count with the best training, experience and professionalism to be able to provide you with tax counseling, before the Federal Courts, in fiscal defense matters.

Certification of the process.

Our firm not only counts with fully certified professionals, but also has a strict control over the processes of fiscal defense matters, from the contract up to the final solution of the fiscal problems.

This is the reason why it is necessary to abide by certain conditions previous to the hiring of our services, such as the analysis of the files and viability of your defense, from the receiving of the documents and interview with the clients.

Once a client hires the services of our firm, we have strict control over the documents that are trusted to us, thus preventing the misplacement or loss of important documents.

At the same time, it is necessary to establish internal control terms, to assign the case to the lawyer with the most appropriate characteristics for its defense and to integrate the file with all the documents and attachments that will be enclosed with the law suit.

In the same manner, upon hiring the services of our firm, the taxpayer counts with a group of lawyers that will provide counseling 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

To provide certainty that the means of defense is duly integrated, studied and elaborated, Grupo Farias has established three control filters of said means, in which the lawyer in charge of the case forms up a committee with other professionals to be able to define the damages that will be asserted in the taxpayer’s defense. Afterwards, it shall be validated by the upper entities of our firm and carry out all the corrections that are deemed necessary. Finally, a series of verifications must be passed, which allow the lawyer to be sure that the means of defense is fit to be presented and that all control filters have been fulfilled.

From the previous phase until the final resolution, the certification compels us to untiringly protect the patrimony of our clients and to punctually inform them of the legal phases of each case, up until the final solution of his\her problems.

For these reasons, Grupo Farias is the most important firm in the national territory dedicated exclusively to the services of fiscal counseling and defense.
One problem. One solution.
Grupo Farías, Tax Attorneys.